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This compelling documentary sheds light on how opioid addiction has quietly become a pandemic. This film shows the darkness related to addiction and sheds light with stories of hope and recovered individuals.  THE FORGOTTEN PANDEMIC is a 40 minute, short documentary featuring doctors, EMTs, pastors, counselors, family members, and leaders in recovery sharing their personal stories of freedom. 


The 7 Principles provided a practical way for me to begin my walk with Christ. As Christians, we are not merely called to confess our faith in Jesus, but to actually live as He taught. The Principles offered tangible instructions on how to partake in the divine nature of a Godly life. These Biblical virtues helped deliver me from the corruption of this world and sin, and into a new life grounded in God's truths and promises.

Ryan Chidester

There is hope from addiction and it is real.

"I am the LORD, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me?"

- Jeremiah 32:27 (NLT)

Bruce Stanley

Peter spoke of these 7 Principles during his last days on earth, and knowing how close Peter was to Jesus during His ministry, I studied the book Lost & Found very seriously while I was in the S2L Recovery Program. It played a big part in transforming my life. I'm now blessed to be teaching Lost & Found to others within the recovery ministry I serve in Alabama.

Sam Smith